How To Use

All Products

Our spritz-based products have very few “rules”. They can be used at any time of the day or night. Please just ensure that you just undergo all our other cautions such as avoiding eyes and ears.

Our oil-based products have a few rules, but that is all about maximizing the benefits that these al natural and therapeutic products can provide.

The number one caution oil based products are can cause burning if applied and your dog lays in the sun. We would encourage you to either just apply at night before bed.

Treatments Products

For All Itches and Dryness

One of the most common things we get asked is, will our product hurt them if they lick it off. The answer is no. However, obviously we want it to stay on to work. So it’s best for you to first apply it at night before bed. Then apply the following morning, then again at night. Repeat this for 10 days even if you see improvement sooner.

For more severe rashes, continue twice a day for a further 20 days (30 day total). This will help the underlying skin cells develop into healthy cells and break the cycle of damaged cells.

To avoid exposure to sun during that time, we encourage you to keep your dog inside during the treatment process. We understand that for some, this is not an option because of day-to-day commitments. Therefore an option could be to begin the treatment on a Friday night and keep them inside over a weekend. Apply Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday night, Sunday morning, and then Sunday night.

Treatment benefits may take a little longer, however this will give the best opportunity for the treatment to have a number of days to encourage the development of healthy cells.

Once you have finished the application processes, you can continue apply the product to alleviate the symptoms or even as a preventative that acts as a barrier you can continue with application at night only as a minimum twice a week.

In regard to those who have created a habit of licking. The first step is obviously to treat the skin.  

Once you start to see improvement in the skin, then it’s time to start treating the “habit”.  We know first had that these products will relieve any itchiness within around 20mins. So if they continue to lick after that, then we are probably also dealing with a bit of a “habit” too.  

Our recommendation is to apply the product as direct and then sit with them. Each time they go to lick themselves then distract them. Each time they go to lick themselves, distract them. Distract them with toys, food any attention.  Do this each time they do lick.  Think how long it has taken for them to create that habit, and then you will realize how long this may take to undo.  With consistency and patience, hopefully your see a reduction in the habit and eventually it broken.

Itchy Bark

Is our recommended product for:

  • Acral Licking Dermatitis is a dermatitis that is mostly seem on the extremities such as paws, tails or leg. The infection usually leaves a discoloured skin and may, on the paws smell similar to corn chips It usually starts as a Contact or Atopic Dermatitis but then turns in to an obsession or compulsion.
  • Alopecia (inflammatory acquired) is usually as a result of excessive licking caused by any number of the conditions outlined here.
  • Atopic Dermatitis is the most common cause of dermatitis in dogs. It’s a result of allergies to the environment. You may see this type of allergy increase during warmer periods of the year where pollens and grasses are more prevalent.
  • Contact Dermatitis is caused by an irritant that they have come in contact with. Things like the flooring, bedding or even their collar.
  • Flea Allergy Dermatitis is an allergy that comes about because of the flea saliva causing hot spots from itching.
  • Impetigo is a bacterial infection that causes pus-filled blisters, general found on hairless parts of the body.
  • Pyotraumatic Dermatitis otherwise referred to Hot Spots. This normally is identified by the dog who can’t stop scratching or licking and the skin then doesn’t allow the skin to heal properly. Then the bacterium continues to grow then gets into the broken skin and creates hot spots.

The product only comes in oil, and it is very important that you rub it into the skin and not just on the fur. 

For application recommendations please see For All Itches and Dryness above.

Dry as a Bone

Is our recommend product for:

  • Alopecia is usually a hereditary or congenital condition that presents as hair loss. The causes are generally not treatable, however managing the health of the surrounding skins cells can reduce or slow the progress.
  • Dandruff or Exfoliative dermatoses will appear as flaky dry skin usually found around the back, rump or neck. It can be caused by the sebaceous glands of the skin being under active or even just the area they live having dry air.
  • Elbow Calluses are general found on the elbows or ankles of the skin on dogs that spend a lot of time on hard surfaces. They can become infected and may even bleed.
  • Familial footpad hyperkertosis appears as an incraed thickness of the hard outer layer on the paw pad. Though hereditary it usually isn’t visual when at birth. Symptoms include sever cracks that can then get infected and cause lameness.
  • Hereditary congenital follicular parakeratosis is a syndrome that affects the bodies process of forming keratin of the skin.
  • Sarcoptic Mange caused by a mite that most dogs are highly irritated by. Signs of this might cause scaly skin, hair loss, scabs, or dandruff like symptoms.

Calm Companion

Is our recommend product for:

  • Reactive or Fear based anxiety
  • Hyoer-attachment anxiety
  • Separation anxiety
  • Generalised anxiety
  • Obsessive-Compulsive disorders

The essential oils used to formulate these products are known for their ability to calm and reduce anxiety.

While the products should all be massaged into the body, trying as best to get to the underlying skin rather than just sitting on the fur.

You can also spray their bed or a bed time blanket with too.  

For some additional assistance for those suffering from anxiety that are specific to a fear or are reactive, please check out our youtube video here or alternatively request our instructional brochure by emailing us at

Old Mate

Is our recommend product for:

  • Osteoarthritis is the arthritis that most of us know results from getting older. It can start at any age and gets worse over time with the increased inflammation because of the deterioration of the cartilage. Though ti can start anywhere in the body, it mostly affects limbs and backs.
  • Septic Arthritis affects the fluid around the joint and comes about from infection. It is treatable with the use of antibiotics.
  • Immune-mediated polyarthritis is caused by the immune system attaching the body causing joint inflammation.

Though Old Mate will not cure the arthritis, it works to reduce the inflammation surround the area, which in turn will elevate the pain being caused.

Application should be made every three hours or as needed. When apply please undertake massage with some caution. Massaging as firmly as your dog allows.

Flea Bags

Is our recommend product for the prevention of Fleas on your dog and their bedding.

If you dog or bedding is infested you will need to work to get rid of the infestation first. You can either choose a chemical based product available on the market or you could try our natural treatment option.

Place your dog n the bath right up to their neck. Fleas can take up to 20mins to drown but they will.  During this time, rub in some of your Coco Kaboo Flea Bags product around the neck and head and this will make the fleas that climb up to the head to try to avoid drowning jump off, as they hate the smell (thank goodness we love it). 

Once you have cleaned your dog bedding, rugs or mats you can introduce Flea Bags to deter any future infestation.  Our formula has been derivate from essential oils know to discourage fleas from attaching where it is sprayed.

Application should be made on a clean and flea free dog and bedding. Every night use the product, start at your dogs tail and work slowly work up to the neck.  Rub our product in generously ensuring that you rub in around the underarms, rump and hind legs. If you miss an application, please don’t “Catch up” in the morning.  Just apply the following night. 

In addition, apply onto bedding (if using our sprtiz based product) every night before bed and this will help to deter fleas from infesting again.