Product Use

Flea Bag’s Flea Deterrent

Whether it’s our Furgrance Oil or our Pawfume Spritz, ensure you clean all bedding, rugs or mats.  You may have to use a chemical for the very last time, just to ensure that any eggs or live fleas are dead.

 If you want to use an alternative to chemicals on your furbaby to kill the fleas, place them in the bath right up to their neck. Fleas can take up to 20mins to drown but they will.  Before taking you furbaby out of the bath, rub in some of your Coco Kaboo product around the neck and head and this will make the last fleas that tried to save themselves jump off, as they hate the smell (thank goodness we love it).

 Once all is clean, start at your furbaby’s tail and work slowly work up to the neck.  Rub our product in generously and leave for 5mins before doing their neck or head.

Complete this process every night before bed and this will help to deter fleas from infesting again.  If you miss an application, please don’t “Catch up” in the morning.  Just apply the following night.

Dry as a Bone

 This product has proved to work wonders on Eczema.

 Now this product only comes in the Furgrance Oil, because it is very important that you rub it into the skin and not just the fur.

 Our recommendation is that you use it twice a day for 10 days and then reduce the dose to nightly just before bed. Most of our clients so far have found that they have total relief by about 10 days, however, continue for another 20 days just at night.  The reason for this is that dogs skin cells go through a 20 day cycle and you might need to let this happen to get the most benefit.

For very server cases, you might have to use it daily to keep it at bay.

Itchy Bark

For contact Dermatitis and those itches’ that come on seasonally. The product only comes in the Furgrance Oil. It is very important that you rub it into the skin and not just the fur.

 Just like Dry as a Bone, our recommendation is that you use it twice a day for 10 days and then reduce the dose to nightly just before bed.  Most of our clients so far have found that they have total relief by about 10 days, however, continue for another 20 days just at night.  The reason for this is that dogs skin cells go through a 20 day cycle and you might need to let this happen to get the most benefit.

If it doesn’t clear up, then we generally recommend that you give Dry as a Bone a go before you totally give up. Both products are designed for specific issues and sometimes one will work better than the other. So far, all our customers have found high levels of relief, so it’s worth giving both a try.

​For All Itches and Dryness

 We are quite often asked about dogs that have “Hot Spots” or lick continuously at their paws and what to do.  The first step is obviously to treat the skin.  Our product wont’ hurt them to like, however, obviously we want it to stay on to work. So best you put it on at night before bed.

Once you start to see improvement in the skin, then it’s time to start treating the “habit”.  Apply the product as direct and then sit with your furbaby.  Everytime they go to lick themselves then distract them (just like you do a 2yr old throwing a tantrum). Distract them with toys, food any attention.  Do this for 10 days (yes that long).  Think how long it has taken for them to create that habit, and then you will realize that 10 days is not a very long time.  With consistency and patience, hopefully your see a reduction in the habit and eventually it broken.

Calm Companion – Anxiety Treatment

 Whether it’s our Furgrance Oil or our Pawfume Spritz, the instructions are the same. Our essential oils are all known for their ability to calm and reduce anxiety. But because your furbaby has probably had these anxieties for a while. It’s going to take some effort on your part too. It is all about trying to make your Furbaby realize that whatever sets them off is nothing to fear.  This is done through their strong sense of smell, the effect of the essential oils on their nervous system and reinforcement on your part.  Our recommendation for this is as follows.

 Take a cloth or bandana. Spray our product on it and then put  the bandana on your furbaby.  Then recreate the issue that creates the anxiety.  Once the furbaby starts to react, then do your best to distract them with something that makes them happy. A toy, a champagne treat (a really special treat) but NOT lots of pats.  The key here is distraction not comforting.  Once they calm down. Stop the anxiety created issue. calm the environment down. And remove the bandana. You need to repeat this twice a day, for upto 10 days. It’s a lot of hard work, but put the effort it and the reward will be worth it.

Another tip here.  Spray their bed or a bed time blanket with too.  Obviously bed time is a secure calm time and this will soon help reinforce your routine for calmness. Do not use any of our other products during this time, We want your furbaby will start to associate the smell of Calm Companion with things being good and fun and they will soon realize that when they smell this, everything is going to be okay. Kind of like a security blanket. Eventually all you will need to do is rub our product on them and they will be calm in the worse situations.